Man With a Movie Camera

One man's journey through a BFA in Film program

Monday, December 05, 2005

13 years ago... grandpa died.

I was only 6 at the time (just turning six actually, the funeral was between my grandma's birthday and mine). I don't remember him too well. The one memory I do have stems from a camping trip we went on. My brother, my cousins and I all went camping with him and my grandma. We spilled a lot of stuff on the table. Cereal, soup, drinks, anything. I can't recall why we were so clumsy, but all of us kids were. So my grandpa made a sign. He made a lot of signs, so does my grandma. You can fiugre out anything in thier house becuase there are notes and signs everywhere: "Gas for the kawasaki" "Fuse for the kitchen" "Turn valve to the left to shut off the water" he even made a complete and detailed electrical drawing of the Christmas light set up.

This sign however was more of a challenge than information. It had list of 'number of spills' and a prize associated with each. If you didn't spill any more items you got something like 20 dollars (enough to buy the world when your six) and the prizes decreased as you spilled more. If you spilled more than 5 more times, all you got was a chew of gum. I thought it was joke prize, like saying you got an elephant, becuase really, who gives a chew of gum as a prize?

Needless to say, we all spilled over 5 more times (except for my cousin Andrew I think, I believe he got a dollar). When we got back from the trip, my grandpa gave me a peice of gum.

Not a very exciting memory. I have no idea why it stuck with me. It wasn't important, or overly emotional. My grandpa gave me a peice of gum.

I was working for my grandma today, getting stuff out of the attic, putting up the winter windows, etc. She got the mail and looked at one of the envelopes, it was from the Netherlands. It was a personal letter (as you could tell from the envelope), and my grandma began to wonder who she knew in the Netherlands. No one really.

But the weird thing was, when I looked at it, it was addressed to my grandpa, not Grandma. Some 13 years after he passed away, this lady has decided to mail him.

She didn't open it in front of me, and nor would I care to know what was written. But it was exciting, like something out of a movie.


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