Man With a Movie Camera

One man's journey through a BFA in Film program

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Today's Gem:

If you had told me when I got out of bed today that my life would be enhanced on this day, I might not have believed you. Today, as a turning point no doubt in my entire career in film, I watched Michael Snow's Wavelength. You may know Michael Snow from his sculputres at the Skydome, or in the Eaton's Centre (I personally did not, and didn't even realize that those items were 'high art' so much as archetechtural accents).

One can only describe this film as 'moving,' in that it takes 45 minutes to move across a room (rougly 15 feet I imagine). BUT, and this is why the peice is so 'artistic,' we aren't actually moving at all. We are in fact sitting reletively still in our seats for the duration, save our fidgetting and gasps for life about 15 minutes in (which you will realize we have only travelled about 5 feet at that point). Nor is the film itself really moving... it is a formalist look at the ZOOM lens (ahh!), so the camera stays stationary. This means, that neither us, nor the camera is moving for 45 minutes. Yes that is correct. 45 minutes of nothing.

The only 'movement' you find here is the flim reel which we can equate to about 2,250 feet of film (2 minutes of film = approx. 100 feet). Now for all you Ryerson film students who read this (which I won't kid myself into thinking is that many), let's do some MORE math, even though we are BFAs. If 2 minutes of film, or 100' costs $24 to buy, and $39 to process, that means that this film in total cost................... (Drumroll soundeffects)........... $1417.50.


And I feel bad when I spend more than $10 on a meal. This guy just threw it into the wind.

Spolier for those who will actually watch this film (if my warning wasn't enough)

The actual point of the film, I percieve, is to be the worlds longest, and worst timed pun. The film is called 'Wavelength,' and indeed, over an extensive length of time, it eventually zooms in to a picture of waves. Who knew this guy was a comedian? Three quarters of an hour to get to the punch line. Perhaps this is why he never got his own sitcom.


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